Medical Terminology Quiz: Urinary System

How well do you know the medical terms for the urinary system? Take the quiz and find out.
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Colon Cancer – Key Medical Terms

Colon cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer deaths in the US.
Learn or revisit the common medical terms related to this disease and solve the colorectal crossword included with the blog.
Wishing You A Magical and Peaceful Holiday Season
I taught my first medical terminology course at Maricopa Technical College in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1970. At that time, I never imagined that I would still write about medical terms 54 years later. I am grateful to the over 1,700 of you who follow my blog and appreciate the importance of learning and using the […]
The Brief History of Medical Language

Medical language began with the ancient Greeks over 2,000 years ago. Hippocrates and Aristotle were among the first to study and write about medicine. The Romans continued the practice, adopting elements of the Greek language to use alongside Latin. Most terms used today are formed from Greek and Latin word roots, prefixes, and suffixes, such […]
Why Should I Learn Medical Terminology?

Medical language is necessary for those employed in healthcare. It can help you advance your career or prepare for further education in the medical field. Or, if you are seeking to improve communication with your healthcare provider or interpretation of your medical records or healthcare coverage, knowing medical terms can be helpful. Medical terminology is […]
Why Learn Medical Terminology Online

Several tried-and-true methods can be used when studying medical terms. One of the easiest is to take an online medical terminology course. Online learning can offer several benefits, especially in today’s digital age. Here are some of the advantages: Preparing for Healthcare Programs: If you plan to pursue a career in healthcare, learning medical terminology online […]
Medical Acronyms Crossword

Acronyms are abbreviations that are pronounced like words, such as “NASA,” and are commonly used in medical and everyday language.
Solve the crossword to check your knowledge of 10 commonly used medical acronyms.
Preview: Medical Acronym Crossword
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Medical Terminology Quiz: The Common Cold

Is the common cold the same as the flu? What is the medical term for runny nose? Is catarrh the same as phlegm?
Take this 10-question self-explanatory quiz to review and explore your knowledge of medical terms related to the common cold.
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Medical Terminology Crossword: Endoscopy

Most of us are familiar with colonoscopy, which is a type of endoscopy. Many other endoscopic procedures and terms are in use today. Use this comprehensive crossword to review them.
Preview: Endoscopy Crossword
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Medical Terminology Cartoon Word Jumble: Digestive System

Use the cartoon and hints to find a term that describes a medical diagnostic procedure and a favorite yearly sports event.
Preview: Cartoon Word Jumble
Try the jumble >>
Medical Terminology Quiz: Dermatology

Test your knowledge of dermatology terms with this quiz. Images are included and immediate feedback for your answers is provided.
Use the quiz as a study tool. Take it as often as you wish. Only you see the results.
Preview: Dermatology Quiz
Take Control of Learning Medical Terminology

Check it out! Introducing our free, new Medical Terminology Self-Study Course Ideal for beginners and healthcare employees seeking continuing education. To learn medical terms, you are guided through the fun activities in the Elsevier textbook Basic Medical Language, 7th Edition, including interactive online games, animations, pronunciation, spelling, and quizzes. Try it out with Lesson 7, the Urinary […]
Colorectal Cancer Crossword

Nearly double the number of young adults under 55 are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer today compared to a decade ago, and more are dying from the disease each year, according to the American Cancer Society. Review your knowledge of terms related to colorectal cancer.
Solve the crossword.
Crossword: Colorectal Cancer
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Endocrine System Quiz

It is common to hear the medical terms diabetes or thyroid used with our everyday communication. But how about other terms related to the endocrine system such as hyponatremia or adenopathy?
Take the quiz and check your knowledge of terms associated with the endocrine system.
Preview: Endocrine System Quiz
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Lung Sound – Cartoon Word Jumble

We are now in the season of respiratory infections and thus our healthcare providers will be using lungs sounds to assist with determining a diagnosis.
Use the cartoon and clues to find the medical term for this lung sound. You can hear a recording of the actual sound on the blog post.
Preview: Cartoon Word Jumble
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Is Knowing Medical Terminolgy for Everyone?
I believe it is!
In today’s world of healthcare delivery, is it beneficial to know of medical terms to receive the best care? The author thinks so! Find out why?
Preview: Knowing Medical Terms
Medical Terminology Crossword: Word Roots

Short on time over the holiday season? Take a break from your usual routine and solve this Mini Crossword. Extra clues are provided for those not involved in healthcare.
Preview: Word Roots Crossword
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Why Study Medical Terminology Online

Several tried-and-true methods can be used when studying medical terms. One of the easiest is to take an online medical terminology course. Online learning can offer several benefits, especially in today’s digital age.
Review:: Online Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology Quiz: Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)

Over 2 million Americans are living with atrial fibrillation (AFib). Take the quiz and challenge your knowledge of terms used with his common type of arrhythmia.
Preview: Quiz: Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)
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Teaching Medical Terminology – Five Ways to Use Blog Posts

Are you preparing materials for your fall semester medical terminology course?
Consider adding games, videos, and activities from our Medical Terminology Blog to provide an interactive dynamic to your course.
Preview: Interactive Course Materials
Endocrine System Word Jumble

Use the cartoon and clues to find the answer to the word jumble and learn about its connection to diabetes.
Preview: Cartoon Word Jumble
Try the jumble >>
New Medical Terminology Online Course

Why take it? Basic Medical Terminology Online Course is ideal if you are: Planning a career in healthcare Advancing the career ladder A pre-med or pre-nursing student Using medical terms in pharmaceutical, law, or insurance Reading medical records or insurance coverage Supporting someone who has a medical condition Talking with your healthcare provider […]
Medical Terminology Quiz: Blood Clots

Are phlebitis and thrombophlebitis synonymous? How does a thrombus differ from an embolus? Test your knowledge of these terms and others related to blood clots.
Preview: Quiz on blood clots.
Take the quiz >>
Lyme Disease – It’s May, and Ticks are Active

Approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme Disease are reported each year. Most Lyme disease occurs in June, July, and August, but now is the time to pay attention to it.
Preview: Lyme disease.
Read the post for reminders on how the disease is transmitted and on the disease itself, with emphasis on the medical terms used to describe it.
Basic Medical Language 7th Edition

Use Basic Medical Language 7th Edition to build the foundation to confidently communicate within your healthcare team! By Danielle LaFleur Brooks, Dale Levinsky, and Myrna LaFleur Brooks, published by Elsevier Basic Medical Language 7th Edition This concise text helps you learn and recognize hundreds of medical terms by introducing the suffixes and prefixes and combining […]
Colorectal Cancer Screening – Medical Terms to Help You Understand the Tests

Are you confused by the number of colorectal cancer screening tests? Read the post and become more informed about the expanding options for screening.
Nervous System Crossword

Solve the crossword and check your knowledge of frequently used medical terms for the nervous system.
Preview: Crossword: Nervous System
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Cardiovascular Term: Cartoon Word Jumble

Happy Valentines Day!
Rearrange the letters to form a cardiovascular term for a big heart which many experience around Valentine’s Day. The medical term has a different meaning, though.
Preview: Cartoon Word Jumble
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Medical Abbreviations Quiz

The healthcare field is rich with medical abbreviations. While useful for saving time, errors can occur as a result of misinterpretation. Check your knowledge of ten commonly used abbreviations.
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Arrhythmia vs. Dysrhythmia

Is there a difference between the terms arrhythmia and dysrhythmia? What is their meaning? How does the spelling of each differ?.
Read the blog post to find the answers.
Preface. How are they used?
Cartoon Word Jumble Game

Thanks to the 2,114 of you following my medical terminology blog – many for over five years. You have helped make my journey as a blogger exciting and challenging. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Myrna LaFleur Brooks
Now rearrange the letters to find an anatomical term for the digestive system – the tube through which your Thanksgiving dinner will travel.
Preview: Cartoon Word Jumble
Try the jumble >>
Medical Terminology Crossword: Respiratory System

Solve the Respiratory System Crossword. It is a fun way to check your knowledge of 20 common medical terms related to the respiratory system.
Try the crossword >>
Medical Terminology Teaching Tip: Pretests

Are your students’ minds elsewhere when you begin class? Cell phones? Instagram? Student loans? Try using chapter pretests to actively and immediately engage them in chapter content.
Preface: Teaching Tip: Pretests
Medical Terminology Quiz: Myocardial Infarction

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack.
Check your knowledge of six medical terms associated with myocardial infarction, the medical term for heart attack.
Preview: Quiz: Heart Attack
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Misspelled Medical Terms Quiz

Misspelling medical terms may be a habit, therefore, hard to break. Becoming aware of medical terms you are apt to misspell may help.
Take this quiz featuring ten commonly misspelled medical terms, plus learn hints on how to remember to spell them correctly.
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Word Jumble: Nosebleed

Rearrange the letters to find a medical term for nosebleed – one built from two word parts. It is a tricky one to spell.
See how you do!
Anatomical Directional Terms Crossword

If you are employed in the medical or health care field or read your own medical records, you have encountered many anatomical directional terms.
How many do you know? Test your knowledge with our crossword.
Preview Directional Terms Crossword
Brand and Generic Drugs – A Medical Terminology Quiz

What is the difference between brand and generic drugs? Is ibuprofen the same as Advil? Take the quiz and check your knowledge of ten commonly used drugs.
Preview – Quiz on Generic and Brand Name Drugs
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Breaking Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) into Word Parts

Find out how to use word parts to help you spell and define esophagogastroduodenoscopy correctly each time you use it. You can apply this technique to learn other medical terms built from word parts.
Medical Eponyms Crossword Puzzle

Eponyms are a long-standing tradition in medicine. Eponyms often involve honoring a prominent physician-scientist who played a major role in the identification of the disease.
Solve the crossword to review the more common medical eponyms in use today.
Try the crossword >>
Medical Terminology Cartoon Word Jumble: Cardiology Term

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with us by solving the cartoon word jumble to find a term associated with the heart. We suggest adding your own chocolate treat.
Try the jumble >>
Medical Terminology: Medical Suffixes Quiz

Knowing the meaning of medical suffixes can help you figure out the meaning of a tricky term, whether you are reading a medical report, talking to your doctor, or taking a test.
This quiz can help you evaluate your knowledge of medical suffixes and/or as a practice to learn them.
Preview – Medical Suffixes Quiz
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COVID-19 Hits Home

When my husband tested positive for COVID-19, the pandemic went from something “out there” into our home. It seemed a good time to revisit the coronavirus and take a look at two terms we hear often: omicron and monoclonal antibodies.
Preview: Omicron, COVID-19, Monoclonal Antibodies
Medical Terminology Crossword: Ophthalmology

Ophthalmology means the study of the eye. We know a lot about our eyes. Most of us use them every day. But how much do we really know? What terms describe diseases and conditions, anatomical structures, treatments, and diagnostic procedures? What is the correct spelling of these terms? Solve the crossword and check […]
Medical Terminology Cartoon Word Jumble: Hearing Loss

Rearrange the letters to find a term for hearing loss. Use the clues and cartoon to help you find the answer.
Preview: Cartoon Word Jumble
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COVID-19 and the Flu

Flu season is here! COVID-19 is still with us.
Read the comparison chart of these two infectious respiratory diseases and be prepared!
A 3rd-Party Review of Basic Medical Language

A 3rd-party reviewer rated our textbook, Basic Medical Language, the first on the list. Read all about it!
Medical Terminology Crossword for Kids: Bones of the Human Body

We are featuring our second kids crossword puzzle created by kids, my granddaughters Siena and Sophia Brooks Hand. It can be printed. Let us know how you like it.
Preview: Kids Crossword
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Exploring Medical Language 11th Edition

Long-term learning is enhanced by using this unique learning system.
Endoscopic Surgery and Diagnostic Endoscopy

Which of the following is NOT endoscopic surgery?
Minimally invasive surgery
Keyhole surgery
Video-assisted surgery
Open surgery
Laparoscopic surgery
Read the blog to find the answer, plus learn about the procedures, their history, and hear the terms pronounced.
Preview: Endoscopic Surgery and Diagnostic Endoscopy
New! Exploring Medical Language, 11th Edition

During its 36 years in print, nearly 2,000,000 students have turned the pages Exploring Medical Language to prepare for entry into health professions.
Medical Terminology Game: Clinical Sign

Jump into our little bit of March Madness.
Solve the Medical Terminology Word Jumble game for a clinical sign.
Try the jumble >>
Exploring Medical Language

Why this Textbook Stood the Test of Time 32 Years and Counting! The Possibilities Imagine that you find yourself with a contract to write a textbook for Mosby Inc. a reputable publishing company. There is some competition, but still, it is an emerging discipline. It is an opportunity to create a standard. You have a […]
Sepsis, Septicemia, and Bacteremia, What’s the Difference?

Sepsis, Septicemia, and Bacteremia are words used to describe this life-threatening infection, but which one is a medical emergency?
Read the post to find out.
Medical Terminology Crossword: Medical Prefixes

Prefixes are used to modify the meaning of a medical term and are commonly used to build medical terms made up of word parts.
Solve the Medical Prefixes Crossword, and be reminded of what prefixes mean and how they are used in the language of medicine.
Try the crossword >>
Terminology for COVID-19 Tests

COVID-19 test information is swirling about us. It’s on TV, in newspapers, on social media, and in conversation. Did you have a test? Which one was it? Do I need to get one? Why? Where?
To help you sort through all the confusion and complexity of COVID-19 testing, read the blog post. Learn the types of tests, when they are used, and the medical terms that surround them.
Medical Terminology Crossword for Kids: Respiratory System

During this COVID-19 summer, I spent time on FaceTime with my two granddaughters, ages 8 and 13, solving crossword puzzles. We moved from solving them to creating them. Here is our first medical terminology crossword puzzle for kids. It can be printed too! We hope you have fun with it.
Try the crossword >>
Medical Terminology Crossword: Female Reproductive System

Challenge your knowledge of the female reproductive system terms that contain rrh in the suffix.
Medical Terminology Crossword: Coronavirus, COVID-19

Our medical language is evolving as the COVID-19 pandemic plays out. For that reason, we are issuing the 5th consecutive blog on this topic.
Use the crossword to challenge your knowledge on terms related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the spread of the disease.
Try the crossword >>
Medical Terminology Cartoon Word Jumble: Public Health Term

Solve this Cartoon Word Jumble to find a public health term in common use during this current pandemic. A link is provided to learn more about this term.
Try the jumble >>
COVID-19 Videos

Watch one or both of these featured COVID-19 videos. One is short and covers basic information. The other is longer and is an in-depth scientific presentation. Both videos allow one to see COVID-19 medical terms in use. Cause, symptoms, spread, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention are covered.
Watch the video >>
Coronavirus Medical Vocabulary Quiz

Check your knowledge of coronavirus medical terms one hears on the news many times each day – pandemic – contagious – COVID-19.
And, stay safe and stay well!
Take the quiz >>
Coronavirus, COVID-19, & SARS-CoV-2

Coronavirus COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2
Today, you can hardly go an hour without hearing one of these terms.
Two were added to our medical terminology vocabulary in February 2020.
What do they mean?
How they differ?
How they are connected?
What is their proper use?.
Coronavirus COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2
Today, you can hardly go an hour without hearing one of these terms.
Two were added to our medical terminology vocabulary in February 2020.
What do they mean?
How they differ?
How they are connected?
What is their proper use?.
A New Instructor Discovers Games for Teaching Medical Terminology

Use games to connect concepts with medical terms.
Medical Terminology Cartoon Word Jumble: Consequence

Use the cartoon and clues to find the answer. It is a fun, fast way to review the term for unintended consequences of taking a medication.
Try the jumble >>
The Human Microbiome

Why is the human microbiome a hot topic? Why is it at the frontier of personalized medicine? Does it change while you are on vacation? The answers are in this concise, easy-to-understand blog post.
Medical Terminology Syllabus

Constructing a syllabus can be complicated and time-consuming. For convenience, we have created a sample syllabus for your use. Use the syllabus as is, or modify it in any way to adapt it to your course and/or your teaching style.
A Career Teaching Medical Terminology

Myrna LaFleur Brooks has had a 49-year relationship with medical terminology. Teaching and writing about it became a life-long passion. After having two popular medical terminology textbooks published and creating a medical terminology blog, she takes a look back.
Video: Anatomical Directional Terms

Watch this 4-minute video on Anatomical Directional Terms to connect the terms visually with their relationship of one part of the body to another. An excellent video for beginning medical terminology students.
Watch the video >>
Cholelithiasis or Choledocholithiasis, What is the Difference?

Help students remember the terms cholelithiasis (gallstones) and choledocholithiasis by sorting out the difference through the meaning of their word parts.
Teaching Medical Terminology? Avoid Death by PowerPoint!

PowerPoint is a powerful tool to enhance learning. Used carelessly, it can result in death by PowerPoint. Use these five tips to evaluate if your slide presentation helps or hinders student learning.
Chalazion, Stye, and Sty – What’s the Difference?

A Featured Term post on when to use stye, chalazion, or sty to describe a condition of the eyelid that presents as a bump.
Medical Terminology Quizzes

Here are some fun quizzes to test your knowledge and to help you learn medical terminology.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Has a New Name – Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease

Our understanding of a disease is formed by the language used to identify it. That is why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is being replaced with a new name. Check out the blog to learn about the new term.
Medical Terminology Featured Term: Nosocomial Infections

In 2002, an estimated 1.7 million nosocomial infections occurred in the United States resulting in 99,000 deaths. What are they? Maybe you have had one! What terms might you use instead? Read the article to find out.
Medical Terminology Quick Question
Medical Terminology Quick Question
Are you limited on time, but looking for a fun challenge? Solve our latest Medical Prefixes Mini Crossword, and you will be reminded of what prefixes are and how they work?

Are you taking statins? Has a patient you are caring for experienced extreme body trauma? Are aggressive workouts part of your patient’s life? Check out why you might be hearing “rhabdo” at the gym or “rhabdomyolysis” in your medical field.
Medical Terminology Quick Question
Incidentaloma is NOT a form of cancer. According to the Exploring Medical Language textbook: Incidentaloma refers to a mass lesion involving an organ that is discovered unexpectedly [incidentally] by the use of ultrasound, computed tomography [CT] scan, or magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] and has nothing to do with the patient’s symptoms or […]
Video: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation

Fecal transfusion, stool transplant, human probiotic, fecal enema – why have these terms been replaced by fecal microbiota transplantation to describe this now standard procedure to treat recurrent Clostridium difficile, or C. diff. infection? Watch this short Mayo Clinic video to learn more.
Watch the video >>
Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome

Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) is replacing the medical term persistent vegetative state. “Let’s look at WHY?” 0
Medical Terminology Flashcards – Paper Rules

How often have you seen students overwhelmed by the number of word parts they need to memorize in a short period of time?
Read this article on how you can help them effectively use the ‘old fashioned’ paper flashcard method to learn word parts and save time doing it.
How to Easily Navigate Our Medical Terminology Blog

Are you interested in using the crosswords in your classroom? Or do you want to assign quizzes for extra credit? How can you find out which blog post relates to the chapter(s) you are teaching. Use this post to learn easy navigation of the blog
Homonyms in Medical Language

Homonyms – terms that sound alike but have a different meaning, for example, ileum and ilium. Misuse may cause harm and at the very least be embarrassing. Take care in their use. Check out the post for guidelines.
A New Term for Obesity!

Obesity, overweight, excessive fat – is there a stigma attached to these terms? Yes, there is! A physician group is working toward transitioning to a new term, one that broadens the definition and removes the attached stigma. Learn more – read this article.
Precision Medicine and Pharmacogenomics – An Update

Read about the new preferred term for “Personalized Medicine” and the reason for the recommended change.
Video: Understanding MRI

Is there radiation exposure during an MRI? How does an MRI differ from a CT scan? Watch this short video to find the answers.
Watch the video >>
The New Language of Addiction

Do you use these terms when talking about addiction: substance abuse, addict, alcoholic, drug addiction? Read the post and learn the changing language of addiction.
Video: Macular Degeneration

Do you know someone with macular degeneration? Are you covering it in class? Find out why age-related macular degeneration could reach epidemic proportions.
Watch the video >>
Pressure Ulcer Now Pressure Injury

Do you know the new term for pressure ulcers? You may know it as bedsore or decubitus ulcer as well. Whether you are a healthcare employee or a patient, keep current with the latest terminology by clicking on the post below.
Video: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)

Are benign prostatic hypertrophy and benign prostatic hyperplasia the same? What is an enlarged prostate gland? Watch the video to find the answers.
Watch the video >>
Zika Virus Disease

Have you seen Zika in the headlines lately? Check out the terms you need to know, and more, to help understand this emerging infectious disease. Click the link below.
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

Have you noticed the medical term Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or CTE used in the news recently? Learn more about the disease that affects some retired football players. Click the link below.
Video: What is Bradycardia?

You have probably heard of tachycardia, but how about bradycardia?
Unravel the word parts to find its meaning, and watch a two minute video to learn more.
Intellectual Disability to Replace Mental Retardation

In 2010, President Obama signed legislation requiring the Federal Government to replace the term mental retardation with intellectual disability. Learn why!
End-of-Life Doulas Help the Dying

When you hear the word doula you are apt to think of someone helping with childbirth. Now doulas are being trained to help with the dying.
Video: Word Parts

Learn how to approach medical terms built from word parts by breaking them up into prefix, word root, suffix.
Watch the video >>
Homonyms in Medical Language
Homonyms -terms that sound alike but have a different meaning, for example, two, too and to, or in medical language, ileum and ilium. They can be confusing. Misuse may cause harm and at the very least be embarrassing. Be safe in their use. Read this post on the proper use of medical homonyms.
Video: Myasthenia Gravis (MG)

Watch this short video on myasthenia gravis.
Watch the video >>
Video: How the Body Reacts to Tuberculosis

Watch this video on tuberculosis (TB), one of the most common cases of death worldwide from infectious disease.
Watch the video >>