Is Knowing Medical Terminolgy for Everyone?
I believe it is!

Is Knowing medical Terminology for Everyone?We are well aware that medical language is vital for everyone employed in the medical and healthcare fields, but what about you, the healthcare consumer?

You probably:

  • Have contact between you and your provider online.
  • Have access to healthcare documents.
  • Need to be your advocate to get the best care.


When we consider the healthcare complexities of today, knowing even a few medical terms can benefit you.

Here are the ways…

  1. Health Literacy – enhances your understanding of medical conditions, treatments, and prescriptions, enabling better communication with healthcare providers.
  2.  Empowerment – enables you to participate actively in healthcare decisions and discussions about your well-being.
  3. Clear Communication – facilitates more transparent communication with your medical professionals, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring accurate information exchange.
  4. Self-Advocacy – helps you ask pertinent questions and comprehend medical records off documents, leading to better advocacy for your health needs.
  5. Reduced Medical Errors – decreases your likelihood of medication errors or misinterpretation of medical advice due to a better grasp of terminology.
  6. Navigating Healthcare Systems – helps you navigate complex healthcare systems, insurance forms, and medical billing statements more effectively.


Where should you look if you are interested in acquiring a basic language in medicine?

Online courses are becoming a mainstream approach to learning and are a good place to look for a course or class that might suit your needs. You can learn as much as you want when you want. You design your experience, and the information remains at your fingertips.

Is Medical Terminology for Everyone?Since I believe medical terminology benefits everyone, I recently developed an online medical terminology course offered through Medical Terminology Academy with that in mind.

The course is flexible and fun. It includes games, flashcards, videos, and many exercises to foster learning.

Basic Medical Language, 7th edition, which has been hugely successful in classrooms for 25 years, is included with the cost of the course.

I am an email away to help you as needed. I hope to see you online.

Myrna LaFleur Brook, BEd, RN

Author of Exploring Medical Language and Basic Medical Language, Elsevier


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