Medical Terminology Crossword: Word Roots
Short on time over the holiday season? Take a break from your usual routine and solve this Mini Crossword. Extra clues are provided for those not involved in healthcare.
Preview: Word Roots Crossword
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Word Jumble: Nosebleed
Rearrange the letters to find a medical term for nosebleed – one built from two word parts. It is a tricky one to spell.
See how you do!
Exploring the “Who” in Combining Forms Related to Childbirth
Does the combining form in medical terms relating to childbirth describe the mother or the newborn? Read the article to find out an easy way to remember.
Medical Terminology: Medical Suffixes Quiz
Knowing the meaning of medical suffixes can help you figure out the meaning of a tricky term, whether you are reading a medical report, talking to your doctor, or taking a test.
This quiz can help you evaluate your knowledge of medical suffixes and/or as a practice to learn them.
Preview – Medical Suffixes Quiz
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Medical Terminology Crossword: Medical Prefixes
Prefixes are used to modify the meaning of a medical term and are commonly used to build medical terms made up of word parts.
Solve the Medical Prefixes Crossword, and be reminded of what prefixes mean and how they are used in the language of medicine.
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Are you taking statins? Has a patient you are caring for experienced extreme body trauma? Are aggressive workouts part of your patient’s life? Check out why you might be hearing “rhabdo” at the gym or “rhabdomyolysis” in your medical field.
Video: What is Bradycardia?
You have probably heard of tachycardia, but how about bradycardia?
Unravel the word parts to find its meaning, and watch a two minute video to learn more.
Video: Word Parts
Learn how to approach medical terms built from word parts by breaking them up into prefix, word root, suffix.
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