Colorectal Cancer Crossword
Nearly double the number of young adults under 55 are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer today compared to a decade ago, and more are dying from the disease each year, according to the American Cancer Society. Review your knowledge of terms related to colorectal cancer.
Solve the crossword.
Crossword: Colorectal Cancer
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Brand and Generic Drugs – A Medical Terminology Quiz
What is the difference between brand and generic drugs? Is ibuprofen the same as Advil? Take the quiz and check your knowledge of ten commonly used drugs.
Preview – Quiz on Generic and Brand Name Drugs
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Medical Terminology: Medical Suffixes Quiz
Knowing the meaning of medical suffixes can help you figure out the meaning of a tricky term, whether you are reading a medical report, talking to your doctor, or taking a test.
This quiz can help you evaluate your knowledge of medical suffixes and/or as a practice to learn them.
Preview – Medical Suffixes Quiz
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Precision Medicine and Pharmacogenomics – An Update
Read about the new preferred term for “Personalized Medicine” and the reason for the recommended change.