Use Interviewing as a Medical Terminology Class Assignment
Do you want your students to appreciate how medical terms are used in the healthcare setting? Read the blog post and find out how to add an innovative and useful assignment to your class that will do just that!
Preview: Innovative Class Assignment
Misspelled Medical Terms Quiz
Misspelling medical terms may be a habit, therefore, hard to break. Becoming aware of medical terms you are apt to misspell may help.
Take this quiz featuring ten commonly misspelled medical terms, plus learn hints on how to remember to spell them correctly.
Take the quiz >>
Word Jumble: Nosebleed
Rearrange the letters to find a medical term for nosebleed – one built from two word parts. It is a tricky one to spell.
See how you do!
Medical Terminology Crossword: Medical Prefixes
Prefixes are used to modify the meaning of a medical term and are commonly used to build medical terms made up of word parts.
Solve the Medical Prefixes Crossword, and be reminded of what prefixes mean and how they are used in the language of medicine.
Try the crossword >>
How to Easily Navigate Our Medical Terminology Blog
Are you interested in using the crosswords in your classroom? Or do you want to assign quizzes for extra credit? How can you find out which blog post relates to the chapter(s) you are teaching. Use this post to learn easy navigation of the blog