Medical Eponyms Crossword Puzzle
Eponyms are a long-standing tradition in medicine. Eponyms often involve honoring a prominent physician-scientist who played a major role in the identification of the disease.
Solve the crossword to review the more common medical eponyms in use today.
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Medical Terminology Crossword: Medical Prefixes
Prefixes are used to modify the meaning of a medical term and are commonly used to build medical terms made up of word parts.
Solve the Medical Prefixes Crossword, and be reminded of what prefixes mean and how they are used in the language of medicine.
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Video: What is Bradycardia?
You have probably heard of tachycardia, but how about bradycardia?
Unravel the word parts to find its meaning, and watch a two minute video to learn more.
Intellectual Disability to Replace Mental Retardation
In 2010, President Obama signed legislation requiring the Federal Government to replace the term mental retardation with intellectual disability. Learn why!