Our mission is to provide expertise, support, and coaching services to faculty who are designing and/or teaching classroom and online medical terminology courses.

Many instructors, including us, have been asked to teach a medical terminology course along with other health sciences or nursing courses. Sometimes a curriculum exists, and sometimes not, requiring the faculty to start from scratch.  Often the process begins by first selecting a textbook, followed by designing the course and content, and finally developing classroom and/or online materials.

If you need assistance with the following, we are prepared to help with:

1) writing course descriptions, objectives, and syllabus

2) developing educational materials

3) developing online course content and usage

4) utilizing TEACH, the Instructor Manual for Basic Medical Language and Exploring Medical Language, including lesson plans, handouts, PowerPoint and testbank

5) integrating Basic Medical Language and Exploring Medical Language EVOLVE online supplemental programs for students

6) other areas yet to be identified

Although our textbooks are mentioned above, we will work with you with the text you have adopted for your program.

Contact us. We will learn from you as well

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